Phlogin Side EffectsPhlogin is generally well tolerated. Patients may sometimes complain of mild headache, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, epigastric pain at the start of treatment which usually disappear within few days without discontinuation of therapy. Skin rashes, peripheral edema and slightly increase in transaminase value have infrequently been reported.

Phlogin Dosage & Administration

  • Phlogin 50mg: One capsule 2-3 times a day.
  • Phlogin SR-100mg: One capsule a day for maintenance therapy.
  • Phlogin Injection: For adults the dosage is generally one ampoule daily, injected deep intragluteally into the upper outer quadrant. In severe cases two injections separated by an interval of few hours can be given per day (One into each buttock), followed by capsules 50 & SR-100.
As with all NSAIDs, Phlogin can potentiate stomach bleeding in known case of peptic-ulcer disease.

Use in Pregnancy

No teratogenic effect has so far been reported with Phlogin at the recommended dosage. However Diclofenac Sodium could be given under compelling reasons particularly during the last 3 months of pregnancy.

Drug Interaction

Study in healthy subject indicates that Phlogin decreases renal clearance of lithium. When given with preparations containing lithium, Phlogin may raise their plasma concentration. Various NSAIDs are liable to inhibit the activity of diuretics thus monitoring the serum potassium level is essential. Concomitant use of glucocorticoids with NSAIDs may aggravate the G.I. side effects.