Maltofer Side Effects - Complete Range Including Maltofer Syrup, Drops and TabletsGenerally, Maltofer series (tablets, syrup and drops) is a very safe and effective therapy for iron deficiency anemia. However, like any other drug it may cause some undesirable effects. Below is a list of the most common Maltofer Side Effects.

Most Common Maltofer Side Effects

  • Gastrointestinal irritation
  • Sensation of repletion
  • Pressure in the epigastric region
  • Nausea
  • Constipation and Diarrhea
A dark coloration of the stool is also one of the common Maltofer Side Effects but it is of no clinical significance.

Maltofer Contraindications

Any of the product in Maltofer range including tablets, syrup, drops and Maltofer Fol is contraindicated in the following conditions;

Special Warnings

In cases of anemia due to infection or malignancy, the substituted iron is stored in the reticuloendothelial system from which it is mobilized and utilized only after correcting the primary disease.

Maltofer Drug Interactions

Until now no Maltofer drug interaction is observed. Since the iron is a complex-bound, ionic interactions with foodstuff components (phytin, oxalates, tannin etc.) and concomitant administration of medicament (Tetracycline, antacids) are unlikely to occur. Maltofer does not cause teeth staining. The hemoccult test for the detection of occult blood is not impaired and therefore iron therapy must not be interrupted.


Maltofer is a safer treatment option. Till the date no case of intoxication or iron overload is reported with Maltofer Overdose. But it is strongly recommended not to use Maltofer or any other medication without a prescription from your doctor.